Mr. Parker is an East Texas native holds a Bachelors degree in Music Composition/Education from U.T. Tyler and a Masters in Music Composition from Stephen F. Austin State University. Mr. Parker has twelve years of experience in music education, and most recently served as Assistant Band Director at Jacksonville ISD. He is also an accomplished composer specializing in writing music for band. His music is available for purchase through Alias Press, a Theodore Presser associate.


Preston Parker
Head Band Director

Randa Parker
Resource/Elementary Music Teacher
Mrs. Parker is an East Texas native and holds a Bachelors degree in Music Education from The University of Texas at Tyler. Mrs. Parker has thirteen years of experience in music education. Her previous positions include teaching beginner band and elementary music at West Rusk CCISD and Jacksonville ISD. Mrs. Parker is also employed as pianist of Carlisle Baptist Church and accompanies our students for Solo & Ensemble contest.